Friday 22 October 2010

The Beginning aka No crisps EVER AGAIN aka blob queen extroadinaire

Hello and welcome to exciting times and wonderful experiences while you watch me GETTING FLATTER. Previous attempts have been left half-done and things but now i have been inspired by reading the wonderfully hilarious dietgirl blog by the fantastic Shauna Reid who lost half her body weight and is also ginger and currently resides on the same island as me. She blogs her way through ups and downs of the getting flatter lifestyle and seems to really benefit from it.

Now i think is the time to explain exactly what getting flatter is. It is, of course, losing the excess lady lumps, bumps, chins and tyres. Now the first thing to do would be to look at a motivation. Sadly (happily) i already have a boy-face who likes me just the way i am... so i cannot use him as inspiration. But wait, i can. he has never known skinny me. I don't think he ever will. But i would quite like him to know slightly flatter more confident me.

So here's the thing. I'm going to go upstairs and weigh myself on the bathroom scales. I am scared shitless. And i am going to come back down here and write down the number. So you can all experience my dismay and first day shock and apalledness. and then I'm going to try and come up with a way to fix it. You're all coming with me, internet people. Its going to be an interesting journey, i promise. 

So, damage done, 13 stone 10 pounds. 

Step one is to give up crisps and pizza. Those two sharts are out of my life for now. Might not seem like a big thing to peeps but yesterday my entire dinner consisted of 5 packets of crisps. And today my tummy has constantly been reminding me of this.

So my aim is to get down to 10 stone. I am going to cut down on junk food and try and eat my five a day of fruit and veg, and also eventually bring a little exercise into the mix.

Reasons for losing weight
  • Currently classed as obese, so for health reasons, lowering cholestrol and chance of getting diabetes etc
  • Feeling confident and comfortable in my own skin
  • Feeling sexy naked with boy face
  • Not having multiple chins
  • being able to breathe after making the bed
I could go on and on but for now, this is just the beginning. Nothing major is going to happen, no dramatic diet plans (i always fall off those) but just good old healthy eating three meals a day don't over-do it and don't cut out anything (besides crisps and pizza). I am also taking spirulina tablets and drinking wheatgrass every day.

So wish me luck. And anyone who happens to stumble accross this page, any advice will be taken most gratefully.

Cheers Peeps

Pipstar xxx

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